
Im Ruhrgebiet geboren, begann ich sofort die Welt mit all ihren Möglichkeiten intensiv zu erkunden. An dieser Neugier hat sich bis heute nichts geändert. Gewohntes Terrain zu verlassen und vertraute Blickwinkel um neue Einsichten zu erweitern, neue Dinge zu lernen und mich immer wieder selbst zu fordern macht mir unglaublichen Spaß – egal ob es Reisen, Sportarten, Sprachen oder all die kreativen Künste sind, mit denen ich mich beschäftige.

Ever since I entered this world, I have had an intense curiosity. I began to explore the world with its multitude of possibilities and in all the years since, this burning need has not diminished at all. I revel in setting myself new challenges, to leave behind familiar terrains and ordinary perspectives, to find joy in attaining new insights and learning new skills. Whether these are gained through travelling, sporting activities, languages or the creative arts, it has been a constant goal in my life, never to settle for the ordinary.

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All contents, including text, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files and their arrangements are protected by copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. The contents of this website may be – even in extracts – only with the prior written permission of Stephan Knak redistributed or otherwise published. Under no circumstances is it permitted to make the information retrieved online or on other media to distribute or commercially exploit.